Enterprise Printing

On average the documents management has an incidence of 3% on the enterprise total turnover. This value is much more significant if we consider that in a number of situations this is an expenditure out of your control. TomWare has valued his vocation to the consultancy by developing a method able to help enterprises in the calculation of the most suitable cost according to the size and traffic of their documents.

Partners selected by TomWare for the documents management services are specialists in the business: Xerox and Lexmark. These vendors are specialized in the printing field as well as in the management of digital documents and in the control of direct and indirect costs through cloud solutions or focused applications.
TomWare and his partners support enterprises in all the steps of the optimization of the documental management systems. Starting from a specific assessment, is then possible to move toward the conversion of costs according to key parameters. The improvement factors are highlighted. New solutions are proposed and they can involve the replacement of printing/scanning devices, the optimization of their use and the adoption of Pay As You Go terms of payment, directly proportional to the ammount of work produced.

The experience in the Fleet Management allows TomWare to take charge of the third-parties’ fleets or provide solutions that are based upon refurbished devices.

TomWare grants the best cost competitiveness without undermining the quality. The experience and the professional competences of TomWare joined to the total commitment of Xerox and Lexmark in the market, guarantee the best results for our customers.

Il Sistema di Gestione per la Sicurezza delle Informazioni dell’Organizzazione: TOMWARE S.c.a r.l. è conforme alla norma UNI CEI ISO/IEC 27001:2017 e UNI CEI ISO/IEC 9001:2015 per i seguenti prodotti/servizi:

  • Servizi di monitoraggio, controllo e di gestione operativa di infrastrutture ICT.

  • Servizi di help desk finalizzati al supporto nella gestione operativa di infrastruttura ICT.