TomWare has been working in the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager environment for more than ten years and has gained an excellent experience in the planning and management of Data Protection’s infrastructures. TomWare acquired a complete vision of the environment realizing upon it his own offer for Backup solutions, Data Protection’s solutions and Disaster Recovery solutions in order to meet the security needs showed by the customers.
Over the years TomWare continued to update the knowledge about the product, following with the very interest its evolution along the different releases. This enabled us to implement very efficient and safe backup projects, completing in this way the portfolio of solutions offered (e.g.: Data Protection for Lotus Domino). The new releases of Tivoli Storage Manager include the management of HSM (Hierarchical Storage Management) and Deduplica, enabling the creation of projects with moderate cost.
Tsm Management
The professional package “TSM MANAGEMENT” is structured in a series of services, among which in particular:
Specialized consultancy and planning
The consultancy services for new implementations include the planning of the infrastructure by securing the customer’s data, optimizing the supports’ management reducing backup time frame and by making more reliable the restore processes.
System installation and configuration
It includes the new installations, the update of the existing ones and their maintenance.
- Installation and configuration of TSM server systems and related storage (tape library, VTL…)
- Application of our installation standard policy that allows the creation of a server TSM storage (DAS or ISCSI) with following repository over tape.
Typically, our TSM solution considers the double staging of backed up data: the first level is made up of staging over disk units and the second level consists in the migration of data from this storage to the tapes. That grants us to have at the same time smaller backup windows and optimized usage of support.
Tivoli Storage Manager integration with additional products
The possibility to execute the back up without disruption of the most critical applications, as IBM Lotus Domino platforms or Oracle database, allows us to grant to the customer the service continuity even during the backup operations independently of the duration by assuring benefits over backup policy and promptness in the restore’s execution.
Training projects, traditional training, and Training On The Job at all levels: specialists (developers and system administrators), top managers, end users.