Cloud Computing

The actual business needs bring to the necessity to making available everytime and everywhere a high quantity of data, accessible from every kind of device (PC, Smartphone, Tablet).

Taking advantage of cloud computing technology, the users connected to a cloud provider can complete all these tasks, also through a simple internet browser.
As an example, they can use remote softwares that are not directly installed on the own computer and save data on online mass memories prearranged from the provider (exploiting the networks both by cable and wireless).

All this is possible thanks to the use of hardware/software resources distributed in a fast and functional network architecture, that TomWare can plan and instal on customer premises or offer as outsourced service.

Il Sistema di Gestione per la Sicurezza delle Informazioni dell’Organizzazione: TOMWARE S.c.a r.l. è conforme alla norma UNI CEI ISO/IEC 27001:2017 e UNI CEI ISO/IEC 9001:2015 per i seguenti prodotti/servizi:

  • Servizi di monitoraggio, controllo e di gestione operativa di infrastrutture ICT.

  • Servizi di help desk finalizzati al supporto nella gestione operativa di infrastruttura ICT.